Pap smear test that can save a cancer patient’s life.

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects women. Women’s cancer is the most frequent type. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, nearly one lakh 22 thousand 844 Indian women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year. 67 thousand 477 women die at the same time. Despite the high numbers, there is little awareness of cervical cancer in our nation.

Cervical cancer, according to doctors, is the only cancer that is discovered before it becomes cancerous. With the help of a pretty simple test, no less. Cervical cancer can be healed from the root if found during this time. That means, there is no cancer risk. However, this is only achievable if women perform cervical cancer screening. As a result, we will learn about a test that can detect cervical cancer early in this piece. Consider how many lives could be spared as a result of this exam. So, let’s learn everything we can about this test. What kind of test is this?

Cervical cancer is detected with which test?

  • The Pap smear test is extremely easy.
  • This is something any gynecologist can perform.
  • It takes very little time to complete.
  • A Pap smear is a reasonably priced test.

Who should get this test done?

  • After the age of 21, every sexually active woman should have this test done.
  • This test should be repeated every three years if the report is normal.
  • If the report is incorrect, the doctor will advise you on what to do next.
  • By the age of 65, every woman over the age of 21 must get a cervical cancer screening test.
  • This test is repeated every three years until you reach the age of 50.
  • Following the test, the doctor will advise when it is necessary to repeat it.
  • A Pap smear test should be done every 5 years beyond the age of 50.

Why is it critical to complete this test?

  • Cervical cancer is a disease that few women are aware of.
  • Only this type of cancer can be cured in its early stages.
  • The pre-cancer stage takes 10-15 years to develop into cancer.
  • Consider that if cancer is diagnosed early enough, it can be easily treated.
  • Cervical cancer symptoms include sex-related bleeding.
  • Excessive Vaginal discharge that is excessive.
  • odor of discharge
  • Even after taking medications, the odor persists.
  • After the period has ended, there is an issue with bleeding or spotting.
  • By the time these cervical cancer symptoms emerge, cancer has already progressed widely.
  • In India, there is virtually little information on cervical cancer.

How is the Pap smear test performed?

  • Cervical cancer screening is known as a Pap smear.
  • Gynecologists perform this extremely basic test in their chamber.
  • This test takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
  • This exam is completely painless.
  • Cells are extracted from the uterus’ mouth.
  • They are used to make a slide.
  • -Or the sample is immersed in a liquid.
  • Doctors may advise testing for high-risk HPV in addition to cervical cancer.
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that causes cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is caused by this.
  • Pap smear tests typically cost 1000-1200 rupees.

Cervical cancer takes 10-15 years to proceed from the precancerous stage to the tumor. Think. If a woman takes this test in the meantime, this cancer will not only be diagnosed on time but it will also be treated. This indicates that your life may be preserved. That is why it is critical to have a Pap smear test. Take this into consideration.

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